Blue Sherbet on Florida's Beaches. How to Reclaim Floridas beach ( Quartz Sand) 12 August 2019
Some random pictures and sketches, to help Floridians and their Children, Families, and Friends to see how easy it would be, for them to help aid Nature, to re-balance many of the " Environmental Issues " this Beautiful State and Planet, are now having to endure.
In the USA, of the Beautiful State, of Florida ,there was unfortunately massive Blue-Green Algae ( Bacteria ) Blooms, in 2016, in Lake Okeechobee ,which resulted in both of her canals been choked with surface green goo,which ended up in both coastal waters, as well as all " Beach Sand".
The 'Ocean's Salt Waters' kept the fresh waters tight in and parallel against the coastline, as even different densities of 'Salty Sea Waters', won't readily mix, due to the vibrate of electromagnetism of the Earth and the Sun's Radiation Rays ( Electromagnetic EM and EMR), resulting in static energy(electricity) flow of current(energy), through time.
All of past and present Life Forms and the Mass of all Non-Living Elements have shaped Nature, over billions of years, to function, as per the 'Energy of the Environment on Earth, influenced by Time's Shaping Energy'. Some call 'Time's Energy' Dark Matter, others call it just Time, yet all of Ancient Art know it as the Inadvisable Force of Time, that makes Time. It is an Electron of Energy that is made, when objects lose Mass, upon Atomic Decay. Ancient Art talk of Aliens and their Space Crafts, who can hover by controlling gravity and time. Ancient Art know that Aliens could CY of YC of CY ( See Why - Why See - See Why or 666-666-666 or 3+3=3+3=3+3 or 18 or R and Y of all Ancient Alphabets or Based on a pictogram of a plant Arabic (sad) he hunted and Hebrew tsad he hunted or 18th Hebrew alphabet SADHE( 5 ), 18th Hebrew SAHE( 4 ), SIGMA 18th Greek alphabet, derived from Phoenician of letter shin ( 4 ), 18th letter of Hebrew alphabet or " Tsade " Tzade meaning "Righteous" in Hebrew. So much Knowledge and code. Even Stone Age Chiseling 65 000 years back of sailing vessels the code is there. Stars codes give 5 cycling codes, even heard today as they bounce in space, echoing of echoing. Y also stands for Holy Spirit. All Ancient Art is now a big Global social and media drive and campaign. All Ancient Tribes of early Humankind, all have
Knowledge of Knowledge, is already here on this Beautiful Blue Plant, for all who choose to see and hear Nature. Knowledge of how to control a single atom to be able to Hover on Time's Vibrations, into far away Universes, is already here. Climate Change and Global Warming keys to help Nature Repair and Balance Nature's Living Forms and Non-Living Elements are already here.
Floridians can already use knowledge of Nature, of the Clay in Florida ( Limestone is all the decomposed like forms, of Marine and Fresh Waters, they form Calcium Bearing Carbonate Minerals ( Clay of Maya ) Calcite and Dolomite. For billions of years Blue Green Algae, with the rest of its family of Phytoplankton ( both in Salt and Fresh Waters ) have been dying and creating Silica needed by many Marine and Plant Life Forms, to grow their Life Forms. Phytoplankton helped lay down the foundation for all present Life Forms on this Beautiful Blue Planet, without them there would be no Life, as we know it today on Earth
Calcite of calcium carbonate ( formula CaCO3 ) and Dolomite of calcium-magnesium (formal CaCO3) are essential, to all Life Forms growth, for the continuing of the Gifts for Life.
Calcium and magnesium are essential for bones and flesh cells growth. Magnesium to recharge mammals cells, by give this element so that the cells can make potassium. In Plants magnesium is the center atom of chlorophyll, a shortage of magnesium will see plants turn yellow.
Calcium carbonate ( CaCO3 ) when heated, creates calcium oxide (CaCO ) and carbon dioxide ( CO2 ), which show how easy it is to contain many carbon footprints of unbalance pollution.
The first sketch :
How to Reclaim Florida's Beach Sand (Quartz Sand) glass sand
Shows just how easy it is, to help Nature Re-balance this Beautiful Blue Planet, in the same way, it has been doing for millions of years already.
Salt Rock, commonly called Gypsum or Sulfate is turned into Sulfide by Bacteria. Bacteria consume plants, other organics, and dead life forms and convert them to hydrogen sulfide, the " Rotten Egg Smell". Limestone made up of Calcite and Dolomite, both have " Calcium " which has a high ph, that destroys bacteria, viruses and hydrogen sulfide ( egg smell ), along with helping to soften the acidity, of poisonous toxins.
Bacteria in the Worlds Oceans, need Sulfate, Silica, magnesium and they're own toxic excretes and carbon dioxide to thrive, where they don't like oxygen to much.
The whole cycle above is Nature at her basic, which can also be adapted to clean Florida's Beach Quartz Sand, without the deep to bury the contaminated beach sand.
Horseshoe Crabs, that are near shore, have been helping Nature to balance excess viruses and bacteria that find their way to the seabed, for the 'Blue Blood ', in the Crabs, puts a sealing enzyme around any bacteria or virus, that they consumed along with any decomposing organism, that these Crabs clean up off the seabed. Horseshoe Crabs are Nature's Natural helpers, which are essential to ensuring health seabeds.
The above concept can also be used to help capture the carbon footprint of man, along with many other pollutants. Nuclear contamination in the Pacific Ocean and Northern Edge and Band of Oceans Waters can be captured, by introduces instantaneous " Giant Kelp Forest Globally". All that is require. would be for different X marks the spots and places. Satellite pictures, of this Beautiful Blue Planet, reveal various strengths of "Gravity" in regions, on the surface of Earth.
GOCE senses changing gravity on Earth's surface. Internet lots of other sites for gravity information:
The gravity information talks about this been due to various elements having different densities that cause mass. The way that, me a little salt rather perceives to think about this, is that the Sun's Radiation Rays and other Giant Universal Bodies ( Stars, Planets, Comets, Asteroids, Star Dust, Quasars and Black Holes, all give off or influence Cosmic Electromagnetism. The results are that Oceans Waters vibrate and cause Electrical Energy, where the stronger the Magnetic Force becomes or " Pulse" .then the strong or weaker the gravity becomes and the lighter or heavier the Elements, in these areas and regions, become, which varies their mass or weight. Moving Chi of force, if you would like to think of it in this way, yet knowing that all of the Universe works on ' Electromagnetism.
Now the " Beauty is that with this knowledge Human Kind can use this information to avoid the 6th Mass Extinction, by been able to see and hear Nature, and know-how to "Aid Her " to stop Climate Change , Global Warming as well as re-balance the pollution of various carbon footprints , as well as this been my ( me a little salts) focus , just like so many other Salts,who are also trying to help this Planet Animals and Humankind.
The regions of high pulsating mass, are areas of metal as well as nuclear deposits, as well as areas of clay that can take on electrons, they are radioactive and their electrons will attract nuclear radiation, which allows with to store and hold radioactive nuclear energy. The clay of these regions is capable of absorbing nuclear waste of Fukushima, other spills or dumped nuclear waste. Nature has for millions of years been balancing Radiation in Clay deposits, where the radiation is high, which kills viruses, bacteria and basically sterilizes imbalances in the environment, by super cleaning elements before they are recycled into the Cycle of Nature. Nature her also produces elements that are poisonous to some life forms, but due to the cycle of the food chain, elements cycles and balance of harmony, these cycles are vital to Aid Nature, to keep this a Beautiful Blue Planet.
Sketch to help Children and Citizens see a bit of how the Universe and Earth are working:
The more anyone can understand Earth and the influences that affect Nature, the easier it becomes to see how to help Nature Rebalance this Beautiful Blue Planet.
Sketch :
The World now desperately needs instantaneous Giant Kelp and their small cousin species. At present Global Citizens have not got common driven goals of agreed upon and focused "Blue Printed Plans" been implemented, on a Global Scale. The Five Foundations of Nature are Living Waters, Fire, Air, Earth and Souls (The Human Spirit, of Hope, Dreams, Goals, and Love).
Globally a huge drive of getting Citizens who have good concepts and solutions, to help stop the 6th Mass Extinction, where a common fund could be tapped into where projects focused on the 5 Foundations of Nature, would be a good place to start. At present, there are loads of Global Citizens with good working initiatives of existing projects, as well as loads more of concerned Citizens and loads of activists, from all over this Planet. Natures 5 Foundations are simple and they can be done dirt cheap, and don't require billions to be accomplished, or big fancy machines, or projects that cost billions or millions, for a concept that does not make a dent in the pollution or the overall Global Foot Print.
Yes every little bit helps, to help that particular starfish that you might find upon your beach sand, you could save that Starfish foe a while ,by placing it back in the Ocean ,but it will only be a moment of time's moments, before pollution, from other continents, sweep in, to take the life of the Starfish, you managed to save, for a while.
Sketch for Global Citizens and their Children who can get involved:
Globally there needs to be a "Big Drive of Communication and Agreements, to focus on the 5 Main Foundations of Nature, they also don't have to be expensive, for Nature Slender of Simplicity, just needs "Dirt Cheap Solutions" to be made into the Reality, of Real Physical Aids of Nature, for Nature.
There are many different crowd funds available for the task. The Goal would be for Ancient Tribes to be able to come together on a field, if they had any disputes as to what projects to be allowed to be back, by the Fund. One side would be for yes and the other side no, what would happen that there might be a dispute as to the online agreement of certain projects for an area, the quickest would then be to gather on a field or chosen location. All that would be required would be for the Edler Women and Mothers to just stare with disapproval at the no says or at the yes sayers. Let the stillness of the Wise Women, be the voice of silence, that effects the Souls of anyone been not for Helping Nature, for then they will have to look inward and justify their own actions to themselves, for not having the Ancients Tribes Children on their Harts, to do good for Nature and the Future Children of this Planet.
All of the present Humankind, on this Beautiful Blue Planet, come from some Ancient Tribe.
The Pacific Ocean has seen Fukushima's nuclear accident, of 2011, push up levels of "Atomic Radiation" of many tuna species, throughout this ocean region.
Marine life all the way to the USA and Canada's coastal lines, has seen numerous media and news reports, creating awareness of sick and effected animals, whilst over the years social and news media have reported on various Ocean Dumpings, of Nuclear waste. Globally at the moment the worlds media and social sites are reporting on wide and diverse forms of pollution in fresh and ocean waters : sewerage spills, incorrect treatment of sewerage, which has resulted in high levels of medicational drugs, antibiotics, chemical contraceptives, ARVs and a host of other contaminants and pollutant forms of industrial chemicals, mining waste, fracking, and Oil spills, Toxic Oil Clean up chemicals, the lists keep growing.
Whales, Dolphins, and other Marine life deaths keep growing. Chum Salmon deaths, in the Yukon River, of Anchorage in Alaska, reported on the 13 August 2019, due to warm water. The deaths of Marine and Wildlife are growing at an alarming rate.
At present, the United Nations, many Globally Governments, Green Peace and similar "Pro Marine Wildlife and Water groups and foundations, Social Media Pro Water Groups, Global School Children, many Media News Channels and many concerned Citizen, are calling on each other and their government to find solutions.
Citizens and their Children should not panic and fear, for when people are stressed, they don't think properly, or use their minds constructively. People should rather realize that they don't have to come up with rocket science ideas or concepts, to think of good solutions to implement, to aid Nature in a basic and natural way, of how Nature has been operating for millions of years already.
Globally if one had to think of Giant Kelp, been introduced to become instantaneous kelp forest, by just using dirt-cheap polypropylene 16 and 20mm, anchors welded from railway tracks green anchovy net and harvesting of young " Giant kelp", from the same area you and friends, commercial fishermen or local People, it would show you just how easy it is to achieve. Instantaneous Kelp Forests could be brought to life, for under ideal conditions this kelp species can grow two feet in a day or 10 to 12 inches, which makes its growth rate, faster than tropical bamboo.
The goal would be, not to interfere or compete with the local community of "Kelp Farmers", as these instantaneous Giant Kelp Forests, would serve to aid Natures Rebalancing Purposes, which would be for the Kelp to absorb bacteria, pollutants, and Atomic Radiation. These kelp Forest will be measured accordingly to the contaminates they are absorbing, once they are straurated, they will be shredded and taken out to sea, of preplanned and monitored oceans pushing front edges and deep water currents. The goal is to release the chopped kelp so that it turns to 'Ocean Snow', and deposits the Nuclear contaminate and pollutions, in deep water clay sedimented, geyser designed drop sites of naturally selected areas, where natural atomic waste is present. This will then seal up these contaminates, in the same way, Nature has been doing for millions of years.
Sketch : How to turn Sargassum into Ocean Snow, to aid Nature, for then Florida's beaches won't foul up of smelling " Rotten Eggs, or Bacteria, Viruses or Flesh Eating bacteria.
Nature has been doing for millions of years.
At present in Florida, there is a huge drive to send the water from Lake Okeechobee down into the Everglades
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